Sunday, November 29, 2009

Website is good in IE but not in Firefox?

I designed my company website in php %26amp; mysql. It shows good in IE butnot Firefox. Why it show ugly way in Firefox.what is wrong in it. site :

Website is good in IE but not in Firefox?windows nt

You have a number of syntax errors:;...

... and the lack of Doctype is triggering Quirks mode (which makes IE emulate a number of IE 5 bugs which can cause significant issues).

Website is good in IE but not in Firefox?windows 95 internet explorer

The awards section and news scroller font are the only thing that I can even see that look any bit different. Are you using the newest version of Firefox.

I opened it in Firefox and IE 7.0.5730.11

The images on the awards section didn't show up...and I really don't think many people will notice....I had to look at the page for like a minute or 2 just to find those differences.

each browser has a different way that it renders controls and what things ir supports...

Did you try safari and opera browsers..they probably make it look different as just have to decide what browser you want to design for....or add code to check what brower it is..and change what code each brower get it to look better.
A common browser dilema ...
It looks pretty ok to me (I am using Firefox in Ubuntu). Are you referring to the flash covering the dropdown menu problem?

Anyway, did the HTML and CSS code generated by your PHP files follow the W3C standard? Firefox is stricter with the interpretation of HTML tags, i.e. less forgiving on things such as missing closing tags, than IE. You may wish to use applications like HTML Tidy to clean up your code.

Different browsers also can render the same layout differently depending on what elements are given what priorities or what syntax rules. Most open-source browsers uses similar rendering engines so the web pages are displayed in similar fashion. My advice to you is code your HTML for a browser other than IE first (some say opera or safari but firefox is good enough). Then view them in IE.

Remember, Microsoft doesn't own the web :p

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